Sunday, 21 April 2013

Major Practical Project - Thoughts on presentation.

As the deadlines are drawing nearer, I have been thinking a lot about the presentation of my images. The making of the prints comes into this as well for me.
As the project has been incredibly personal for me, I wanted to be as involved as possible in the way the final images look as they are presented. This is the main reason for me making hand-prints in the darkroom, to make sure that I control every aspect of the print - the size, width of borders, colours etc. As I have used the colour darkroom a lot more this year, I have had plenty of practice at colour printing, and therefore feel a lot more confident in creating the look I am after for this project. At no point of the process did I want to feel detached form the outcome of the project. This is why I felt quite uncomfortable at the thought of having to present prints that I hadn't made myself.
I also really relate to the physical interaction with the image that making hand-prints forces me into. Again, this does keep it more personal for me.
The next thing for me to consider is how the prints would actually be handed in. The most professional-looking solution would be a sleek, black or grey portfolio box. However, for me, this is slightly too impersonal for this particular project. For more commercial work I would certainly want it to look as sleek and slick as possible. In this case, however, I wanted a bit more of  a homely feel, to match the subject matter. The other trouble I have had is trying to find a box that fits this format of image, it seems most places don't actually make square boxes! This has forced me to slightly think outside of the norm. I have therefore invested this box, and will be presenting my images in it without any sleeves. I feel that this will encourage interaction with the images, and prevent there from being a barrier between the viewer and the image.

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