Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Major Practical Project - Test Shots

So I felt like it was time to put down the books and pick up the camera. So here are some very quick test shots. I do want to point out a few things that I would already be doing differently for my final images.
- Photos will be shot on colour film, either medium or large format.
- I will be photographing my family home, to which I feel much more of a connection.
- Images will be shot over the series of weeks/months so as to build up a portrait of sorts, but of the family home.

So here are the results of an hours shooting with a DSLR and using only available light.

I was attempting to capture some of the unique aspects of the place I live - a real messy, studenty flat - just as a test to see whether I can create an interesting enough project just within the boundaries of one building. I'm not the greatest fan of these particular images, but then I wouldn't expect to be making images I was proud of with so little time and effort.
The photographs do remind me a bit of the work of Nigel Shafran, which tells me that, with a bit more preparation, this is a workable avenue to go down for my project. Another thing to think about is lighting. I had only considered using natural, available light for my final images, but it might be worth experimenting with external lighting, even something as simple as lamps, to create more highlights and shadows. Lamps would keep the set-up feeling homely and natural, and would also cast the yellow-orange glow I have been thinking about.
I do worry that the project will end up feeling a bit too much like a load of snapshots, so I will have to work to make sure this doesn't happen. I can probably avoid it by making sure I spend time with each photograph I want to make, not rushing, and taking plenty of photographs so I can learn from any mistakes.
Heading back home for 3 weeks over christmas should give me the opportunity to shoot plenty of images at a time when I feel most attached to the place where I grew up.

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