Monday, 5 November 2012

Analogue - Stitching my street

So I haven't posted here in a while. I've had a lot of ideas floating around in my head and actually putting all of it into actual readable words is proving to be difficult. But I will get there. Eventually.

However, this is something I have been working on for my Analogue assignment.

I have been thinking about the idea of being able to alter and doctor images that have been shot using analogue processes. Editing photos is synonymous with digital imagery and photoshop, but the techniques often employed using this programme are named after analogue printing processes mastered years earlier. I wanted to play on the term 'stitch' by printing a series of images from film, and then physically sewing them together.
I have also been looking at the places I consider to be home. Linking back to Erlina Gotterson's piece about her street, I wanted to photograph the 2 roads that I have 'homes' on. This is my very first attempt at creating a panorama view using the stitching technique.

So this is not perfect. By any means. Not all of the images line up with each other, meaning that the image doesn't flow properly as it would in a digital panorama. Also, there are imperfections on the negatives which, when enlarged, become much more obvious. However, if I were to take more time, care and use a different camera when exposing and printing the negatives I feel that the piece would be greatly improved. However, I do feel the stitching technique is successful, and the subject matter interesting enough to sustain it as a photographic work even when viewed out of the context of being a mixed media piece. Keeping the stitches regular and in black thread makes them slightly more subtle.

Any comments and opinions on my work so far would be greatly appreciated!

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