Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Analogue - My room, stitched.

Here is the result of many hours worth of sewing the images of my bedroom together. Again, for me this was a bit of a mock up of what I would produce for my final piece, rather than an attempt to create a finished object.
Although I do feel like this is an improvement on the last piece, there are still some things that I want to change for my final images. I will definitely be shooting them on a relatively flat day - this will keep the tones neutral rather that the harsh yellowy orange that the ceiling light has cast. I also need to shoot in much more detail - it was suggested that this piece needs to be epic - both in size and the amount of detail. I will therefore be shooting hopefully around double or triple the amount of images, printing them larger (probably 8" square) and making sure that every inch of the room is documented. However, I do like the fact that my reflection can be seen in the window, it adds a hint of a traditional self portrait without it being too overt. I also feel that all the different lines, creating a kind of abstract grid is much more successful that just lots of parallel lines next to each other, as was used in the previous piece. To improve, I might need to put a bit more meaning into the thread that I use; I have been thinking about using an old jumper of mine unravelled to stitch the images together. This makes the intervention of stabbing through the images with a needle more personal and adds another dimension to the piece.
My next steps are:
- Photograph a few more films worth of images (neutral day, both at home and here).
- More research into photographers that create an intervention in their images.
- Search at home for something personal, but not with too much sentimental value, to stitch the photos together.

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