Friday, 19 October 2012

Major Practical Project/Dissertation - Nostalgia...

So this week has been all about ideas. Thinking and talking. It's always a big fear of mine, sharing my ideas, but I have discovered this week that nothing bad can ever come of it. Either I will get a pat on the head and be told to get on with it, or I get to learn where the holes are and how to plug them.

So I have been thinking about Home. Both the concept and my actual home. My idea was to document every place I have ever slept, but when questioned about WHY I would want to do that, I was completely stumped. Is that something I think the world would actually be interested in? Perhaps not. It took two people asking me these kind of questions to make me realise what I actually wanted to document: My Home. I know in advance that all the rigmarole of trying to discover which places out of the many that I have slept in I would call home would inevitably end in one answer - the place I feel the strongest bond to being the place where I grew up, and where my parents still live.

And so we get on to Nostalgia. It's something I experience on nearly a daily basis. Not missing home, that's not how I feel. What I feel is much more positive, happy reflections, let's just say. I want to give credit to my home and my upbringing for the chance to have these feelings that I know a good amount of people don't have. Photography is synonymous with nostalgia and memory and now I know that this is what I want to explore, with particular focus on the following:

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